Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Shrek's Bride

Last post we did out fairytale dream...But..what is you like a little bit of a different princess look? Well I've got the answer. With the help of a few of my favorite stores I was able to put together a STUNNING Fiona look. Now you can look like you stepped right out of your favorite movie! Check below for the pics and style card! Also, if you hurry (red)Mint [creator of the skin used in this post)is having a 50% off sale for her hair! Be quick though, the sale has been extended only till the 6th! 

Hair: Dela -Shelle- Red 5
Skin- (Red)Mint Skin  - No.11 (Goblin, No freckles)
Lipstick: Essences- Serena Red 1 
Eyes- Mayfly (Deep Emerald, W1)
Dress- The White Armory- Elemental Essence Gown Set

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fairy Tale Princess

I hadn't realized It's been so long since I posted here! It is SOOOO hard to find GOOD fantasy items to blog you know that? I do have a few up my sleeve to come very soon! For now though I wanted to play out my fantasy. Every little girl wants to be a fairytale princess right? me too. With the help of Surreal from Deviance I got that chance! Below is her Snow White dress available with two ruffle colors and in short skirt, I chose to only show the traditional snow white look here. but OMG LOOOVEEEE :D I didn't want to take it off! I did find that it was a little hard to find that PEERRRFECT snow white skin though...but...I found it with the help of Gigi from Nvious by Gigi. She slipped me a milky skin with HOT red lips, unfortunately this isn't available in stores buuutt....the stuff she does have in store is just as AMAZING! The last piece for this Snow white look was I needed the right eyes! That is where Keshie and Mayfly Eyes came in. OMG she was a lifesaver with her Mocha eyes. Take a peek at this wonderful look thanks to these AMAZING designers blow :D

Now Modeling
Hiar: Truth Eden crOW
sKIN nbgg-Mishy In the Red
Eyes:Mayfly Liquid Light Mocha
Dress: Deviance Snow White

Monday, June 11, 2012

Pixie Passion

Recently I found a new RP sim called City of Dee It's really cool and set in medieval times. The interesting thing about it is there are creatures other than human that you can play. I myself am very interested in playing an elf or a pixie. While I was sitting contemplating what I wanted to be I remembered (11) eleven micro mesh avi's and knew THAT'S IT! I decided I was going to blog about (11) and take the pictures in dee! the avi itself is soooooo tiny, my human avi is a midget herself at 5'10" which in SL is about 4'11" in RL terms. This pixie avi is about as tall in the gap of my n-core stilletos, yes...it's that small and OMG so cute. At only 700L ish it comes with three outfits and 4 different types of skins and hair AND micro eyes. How great is that! ?!?!?! The best part is you can choose a different skin to wear with the avi, which is what I did. I chose to wear the Summer skin that (11) released. It is tan a terrific! Next time you want a somethign a lil different check out (11) Eleven only sold on the marketplace (link to the left with the SLURL'S).

Avatar: (11) eleven Design Micro People-
                  Magic Mesh Pixie -
                                               body Micro Mesh Pixie Shape
                                                Micro Prim Green Eyes
                                                Micro Hair Long and Layered Black 2
                                                Magic Mesh Pixie Full Body For Skin
                                                Magic Mesh Pixie Clothing Layer
                                                Magic Mesh Purple Bikini
                                                G Pixie Leaf Outfit and wings
Skin: (11) Elven Design Micro People-
                    Micro Mesh Pixie Summer Skin Cleavage

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thoughts Of Deviance

Welcome to the first post of I Love SL Fashion's new blog line. I Love SL Fantasy Fashion! I am so excited to be able to bring you new and exciting things from the world of fantasy and RP fashion. We will be featuring everything from mesh to prim clothing and things from mermaids to demons along with Medieval to slaves. Have something you want blogged? Hit me up in world (Kasi Bouvier) and I will be happy to take a look at it! For the first post I wanted something special to feature so what did I do? I turned to Surreal LeShelle the Creator of Deviance. Boy am I glad I did. Today we have Necromancer. This wonderful outfit perfect for the RPer in you features 13 wonderful colors available in one multipack or you can choose any of three mini packs which each have 3 colors plus a bonus color. As you can see below it look HOT with a fantasy skin or your normal skin. The multipack comes with the sceptor, Necromancer shape, color change hud, top, skirt and particle poofers. Who could ask for more? Get down to Deviance and grab it FAST because who can live another second without it? 

Now Wearing: 
Outfit: Deviance -Necromancer (multipack) - Includes Sceptor, shape, top, skirt and poofer (all color/texture change)
Hair: Truth  - Belinda (crow) 
Skin 1: Delirium Style Kinda Evil Skin (discontinued) 
Skin 2: Essences - Rowena (for chic2 birthday)